Reporting fromWallis' apartment. It's 11:57 p.m. I've eaten some of her almonds she left out on the counter. I feel bad eating them but I feel sooooo sleepy tonight and am doing whatever it takes to stay awake. I even took an hour nap today but it's not helping.
Enough talk about sleep....
Well, a lot has been happening this week.
Johnny's birthday was Thursday. All he wanted to do was go to the New Trier/Glenbrook South Football game with his friends and eat out at Greek Feast with us. He wanted some sweat pants and some I-Tunes gift cards. We gave it to him—pretty uneventful. Hannah said, “Aren't we going to bake him a cake and sing to him so he can blow out his candles?” I told her Johnny doesn't like cake and he said he didn't care about blowing out candles. She was in disbelief.... Can't believe he's 14. He is growing up so fast. He is changing too. He has a cute build on him and his voice is deeper. I was just looking at him the other day w/o a shirt on. His shoulders are getting so broad and you can see the muscle in his stomach. No under arm hair yet. He's bummed. The last one in his class he says with no underarm hair. He does stink to high heavens though! I can attest to that one! He is doing great with football. He made first string cornerback and has made 4 touchdowns in the last 2 games. It is so fun watching the games. Here are some clips and pictures of him playing...He is #8...
We quit hockey for a season. Since it's his last year at CHA, we thought he should enjoy football and try 8th grade basketball and volleyball with his classmates before they all separate. He agreed. He went to a sleep over at a boys house the other night. He was the first one to fall asleep...thus this happened...
Joey is doing great in soccer. He loves it. I'm glad he is part of a team. I think he is trying out for volleyball and track too. More power to him. I'm glad he is staying active. He is in a hip hop class at Hannah's dance studio as well. It's all boys and so it's good for him. He and Johnny joined Wyldlife which is the Junior High equivalent to Young Life. They love it so far. Super glad they are enjoying it. Johnny hates youth group but this interests him. Joey will go to it all. He loves all the church stuff.
Hannah pulls straight A's in all of her classes. All perfect papers. I keep telling her she should have lofty goals for herself. She keeps telling me she wants to be a pre-school teacher.
Holly lost her two front teeth. SOOO cute. I love it. Here is a picture of her~
She 'accidently' pulled out a bottom tooth yesterday playing horsey with my sweater..she tells allllll about it in this short video...
Part 2:
Second night at Wallis' apartment at 11:31p.m. Not as tired as last night. I'm so hot in this place. I am thinking about stripping. Old people and heat seem to go together..I'm thinking about taking a picture of Wallis as she is sleeping on the couch so you can see her, but, I'm afraid she'll wake up while I'm doing it.
Second night at Wallis' apartment at 11:31p.m. Not as tired as last night. I'm so hot in this place. I am thinking about stripping. Old people and heat seem to go together..I'm thinking about taking a picture of Wallis as she is sleeping on the couch so you can see her, but, I'm afraid she'll wake up while I'm doing it.
I am going to talk to the Director of the Midwest at Children's Hunger Fund this week. I'll tell you how all that goes later. If they don't offer me work at home until they open an office closer to me and some free mission trips, I'm taking a pass on the job.
Speaking of jobs, I started up selling body products I have been using for the last 4 years.
I really, really love them so I figure I might as well sell them. They truly are to die for. I will send you all samples if you want any. If you decide you want to order something, let me know and I will buy it for you so you pay whole sale and not the retail price. (Family only)..Here is my new blog I created. Http:// I'm tithing 10% to the Children's Hunger Fund. It cost me $140 to sign up and I bought some samples off of ebay to give out. So, anyhoo, I HIGHLY recommend them. The only problem with the products is that you will become addicted like me and then have to work to order more stuff.
I really, really love them so I figure I might as well sell them. They truly are to die for. I will send you all samples if you want any. If you decide you want to order something, let me know and I will buy it for you so you pay whole sale and not the retail price. (Family only)..Here is my new blog I created. Http:// I'm tithing 10% to the Children's Hunger Fund. It cost me $140 to sign up and I bought some samples off of ebay to give out. So, anyhoo, I HIGHLY recommend them. The only problem with the products is that you will become addicted like me and then have to work to order more stuff.
I'm signing off now. I'm going to mom's for a visit Wednesday through Saturday. I'll blog about that next week.
Good night!
1 comment:
I love your blog Bridge... Your house looks gorgeous.. so much brighter. Thanks for the priest pics. I had a great time reading about each one of them. That sounds like a fun job for you..
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