Monday, October 31, 2011

Not Alot

So this is the AWESOME Father Artzer.  He is a brainiac even though he can't find his room....  I love him so much.  We were taking funny pictures on my photo booth on my Macbook.  He has his doctrate in Classical Languages and Library Science.  He worked at Rutgers University as a professor all his life.  Incredibly smart and incredibly sweet.  I always tell him he is the one making me fat.  He waits for me every afternoon at 2:30 in an empty dining room for coffee and some ice cream.  It's our date.  He is awesome : )  And super cute!  Not such a good pic of me though...

Halloween.  A ghoul and Pipi Longstocking.  I took a big ugly coat hanger and connected it with a barrette to the back of Hannah's head to get her piggy tails to stick out.    Nothing like making a costume up 5 minutes before trick or treating..

So I am at Wallis' house last night...Here are a few of my looks as the minutes tick by...

Here is sweet Wallis.  She was sleeping while I took this quick shot of her..hoping she wouldn't wake up with me aiming a camera at her..

Her heart is getting worse and worse.  She can't make it to the bathroom anymore so I have to set up a commode in her bedroom.  We used to talk and laugh all night.....  Now she sits like this all night...

I am totally LOVING going to Willow Creek Church.  I signed up for the Compassion & Justice Team and am going to a meeting in a few weeks for sex trafficking that's going on right here in Chicago.  I  had no idea that Chicago was the biggest hot spot for child sex trafficking in the U.S.  You normally think of Rowanda and places like that--but not here.  So anyway I am going to be trained and hopefully involved in that ministry.

Johnny finished his last football game last night.  They took 3rd place.  I may write a letter to the organization about the coaches foul language during the season.  John said Johnny probably has heard every curse word in the book from being on that team.  We saw one of the coaches at Willow yesterday playing the bongos on stage.  John said he is the worst of the bunch.  I guess you never know...Anyway, I am waiting until after the awards banquet and then writing to let them know the high schools don't allow their coaches to talk that way and I was disappointed that my 8th grader had to listen to all that garbage..

I can't think of anything else...Oh...I did sell 250 bucks worth of Votre Vu.  

2 hand creams and an Attentive face set.  Yeah!  It gave me hope!  I am using my profits for a mission trip I signed up for to Jamaica.  Its the mission trip with the priests.  It's 9 days long and I leave May 16th.

We are running Holiday Specials if you know of anyone interested.  Huge Discounts..starting Nov. 1st.

See ya!


shelly said...

I know about swearing and football.. Thomas had a team like that and the coach was this obnoxious mean man who thought he was at the Superbowl.. F words flying.. Thomas never went back out. We never experienced that in other sports..

I am reading a book from the pastor of a baptist mega church we sometimes go to and Hybels wrote the forward to his book. Is that the same Willow Creek church you go to? It is a great book.. easy reading. I really enjoy his sermons at Eaglebrook up here. It is the largest church in the upper midwest I believe..

Bridgette said...

Yes, Bill Hybels is the head pastor. It's a mega church but the one I go to is a satellite church at the kids school in their auditorium. We hear him speak on a big screen. The big Mother ship is in Barrington-25,000 people on Sunday morning and ours is about 1,600 on Sunday morning. The preaching is the highest quality I have ever heard.