Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Never a Dull Moment..

Johnny had his last basketball game this week.  They made it to the championship game.  They got slaughtered.  The MVP on Johnny's team sat in the corner and cried like a baby.  It was a complete let down...
Here are a couple of pics..

 Johnny on defense...

After the game the boys went to the center of the gym floor to kneel and pray.  

What happened next was so cool....

A kid from the winning team walked over and knelt beside our boys.  Then the rest of the team followed this kid and they all knelt down to pray with us.  Before you knew it, all the parents came out of the stands, gathered around the 2 teams and our coach prayed.  UNBELIEVABLE!!!  Probably will never see that happen again.  I will always remember that...


So I took a few of the priests to the library.

One of the priests, Fr. Fisher, came out with his best Sunday clothes on.  

I said to him, "Father Fisher, why are you all fancied up for the library!"  

He said, "Well, I never get to go out and I also want to impress the librarian so she'll trust me to check out a book!"

He was dead serious.....and it totally cracked me up.

I got him in to the library and we went up to the counter to fill out the library card forms.  

She asked for an I.D.

He threw out his Papua New Guinea drivers license.  You should have seen the look on the librarians face.

He had no other form of I.D. so I let him borrow my card.  

I am sure the librarian had never seen a New Guinea drivers license before.  It was pretty funny.


We took Johnny to Glenbrook North High School for his orientation last week.

We were so excited...that is......John and I were so excited.

The high school is gorgeous inside.  I don't remember having anything like that available when I was in school.

They had SO many clubs and classes to choose from.  Every time John and I heard a class that we thought would be interesting for Johnny to take, we would elbow him.  

His response, "I'm not interested in taking that!"

They talked a lot about college as well.  Every class was geared toward college.

One lady said to me in the parking lot as we were leaving, "My son already knows which college he wants to get in to."

I replied, "Oh, I already know which college my son is going to as well!  Oakton Community College.  They have a great 2 year program!"  

The lady just looked at me and walked away. 

John looked at me and said, "That's good Bridgette.  Way to make friends."

I just couldn't help it.  I see more and more of Dad coming out in me every day.  And if you couldn't guess, I hate being around pretentious people. 


I went to my staff party at a country club in Glenview Friday night.  It was really nice.  We sat with some priests and John had great conversations with them about their life.  It was very fun.  Here are a few pics..

 This is a few of the priests and then a nurse I work with.

This is the superior priest that runs the house I work at.  He is very very nice.


I got into a 'fender bender' Sunday night.

I backed into a really nice Audi.

The driver was this 27 year old North Shore executive that went ballistic.

He was good looking and pretentious (ugh) and disgusted with me.

I'm sure he was thinking his reputation would be ruined while driving a car with a scratched front bumper.

I apologized, but to no avail.  The yelling went something like, "What were you thinking???  Did you even look????  What the *** were you doing backing into me.  You don't have a **** answer for me do you????  Do you????!!!!!"

It was so ridiculous that I almost smiled at him.  I said, "You know what?  This was an accident.  I didn't plan on hitting you.  Your conversation towards me is not productive, so why don't we just wait for the police to arrive."

I got into my car while he cursed and climbed into his.

My court date is February 23.


I'd like to preface this story with a little background.  

John has been listening to Moody radio a lot lately and felt God was calling him to fast.  He said he had been hearing about "The Daniel fast" and he wanted to try it.  It's a vegan diet.   He has been on this 'Daniel Fast' for 2 days now.  OK~ on to the story....

I got a call today from John at 11:45 a.m. 

"Come and get me.  I need to go to the E.R."

He was doubled over with stomach pains.

I left work, ran out to my car and my phone rang again.

It was the New Trier nurse.  "Bridgette, we couldn't wait for you.  John was too sick.  I called the ambulance.

Well, I started to panic.  I couldn't drive fast because of my wreck 2 days ago.  I was afraid of getting a speeding ticket on top of my "improper backing up" ticket.  

When I got there the ambulance was just pulling up.  John was laying on the gurney with oxygen on and a big smile on his face.

"I feel fine!" he said.  "As a matter of fact, I think nothing is wrong with me but a little gas."

They ran 4 hours worth of tests.

I told him he should maybe tell the doctor he was on the "Daniel Fast" because God told him too.  We got to laughing hysterically in the room. 

We didn't tell the doctor...

He was right~ it was gas.

He is seeing his doctor tomorrow.


Oh - and by the way-  my biology class started Saturday and it is hard.  These next 4 months will kill me!

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