Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Patiently Waiting....

We are patiently waiting for the case worker to call us regarding Emmanuel and Kailyn.  Supposedly their Aunt and Grandmother are concerned that they won't stay connected to their blood family and so they are raising questions about letting us have custody of them.  They are opening their homes to the boys.  I don't know how it all will turn out.  The caseworker is trying to make a decision on what is best for them.  She has her doubts about the Aunt and Grandmother and so she is calling to interview us.  I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything.

I start my first Social Work class at Northeastern IL. Univ. tonight.  I am kind of nervous.  I hope I can keep up with all the work.  Since this is a different school I have no idea what it will be like.  I go every Tuesday night from 7-10. 


Johnny had his first football game Saturday and sat out the whole game....he was the only one who sat out the whole game.  He was SO bummed out.  I thought I was going to cry watching him pace the sidelines behind the coach with his helmet in hand hoping they would call him in.  I almost couldn't stand it and thought about walking away from the field.  It killed me knowing he felt terrible and was the ONLY kid not playing.  Afterwards, the coach told him he wanted to watch him practice for one more week before he put him in.  Johnny has been sitting out for a while because of his concussion and so hasn't had much practice.  I thought he should have told him that before the game and not afterwards when Johnny sat there crushed as the other boys cheered on a win. 

He's # 23-- they won against Hersey High school in Arlington Heights.

Joey found out what the 8th grade play is going to be.....Charlotte's Web.  He is trying out for Wilbur and has been practicing his lines non stop.  We all have his lines memorized.....Try outs are next week.  I hope he gets a good part for his last year at CHA.  Last year was heart wrenching when he got nothing.

He is starting soccer now.  He was furious that he had to wear Johnny's old shin gaurds.  They had writing and scribbles all over them and he cried all the way to school refusing to go.  I think it's getting better.

Joey's baptism was awesome!  It did pour down rain but as soon as the rain stopped they started.  Aunt Shirley came and never made it down to the beach .  She was too feeble to get close enough to see Joey but at least mom got to talk and visit with her.  

Johnny is doing well.  He gets a ride from our neighbor, Jackie, who is a Jr. at his school.  I am so thankful I don't have to take him.  His phone rings off the hook, prank calls etc and it's only been 4 days of school.  He has gotten in with a great group of boys.  5 kids on his football team are Christians and they all go to youth group together.  I am relieved that he is drawn to them.  Homecoming is in 3 weeks and he is feeling pressure to ask a girl to the dance.  He said all his friends are trying to come up with creative ways to ask a girl and he is not sure he even wants to go.  I hope he asks someone. 

Hannah has the flu today.  I'm assuming it was from Nate.  I had to call in to work and take the day off.  I have to go.  Gotta pick up the kids from school. 

Bye for now

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