Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Much Anticipation Going On Over Here...

We are finally certified as a 'Host Family' for Lydia Home.  We were certified on Monday and received a call today....2 days later.

I was SHOCKED at what was thrown at us.  It isn't for certain so we are waiting for a confirmation in the next few days.

We were asked to take 2 little brothers from the South Side, ages 6 & 8.  Their names are William and Wallace.  Their father was murdered (gunned down) and the mother went to DCFS and said she didn't want her kids anymore.  She couldn't handle it and wanted to give them up.  One of the kids has CANCER.  Neuroblastoma, and is on chemo pills.  The mother is hospitalized now, and the social worker does not want the kids to go into the foster system until the mom can think clearly.  They think she may change her mind with medication and counseling.  

Yes, we freaked a little at the cancer issue.  I don't know the complete story, only that he has cancer.  If we end up taking them, it will be Friday and I will enroll them in public school immediately.  If the mother doesn't take them back, all I keep thinking is that little boy will be with us until he passes away.  That may be a real stretch of faith for the whole family.  But I can't turn away if that is what God sends us.  John and I felt like what kind of family would we be if we said, No, because we didn't want a child that could die on us.  We just have to walk in faith.  The kids have all agreed to go through with the placement.  And who knows, we may not get them or we may only have them for a short period of time.  I do know there are relatives involved and the boys are with them right now.  The relatives are trying to decide if they want to send them to us or keep them. 

SOOOOOO, that is our drama going on here.   I'll keep ya posted.

Johnny is still going strong with his girlfriend, Alexis.  Her birthday was last weekend and he bought her a $45 dollar bottle of perfume.  I think he had sticker shock as he pulled the money out of  his wallet.  He then said, "Mom, I need to write her a birthday card and I need your help.  I want it to sound nice but NOT mushy."  So, we got that accomplished and off he went.  I know he really likes her.  I used the word, 'special' in his card which was a little weird to type out for him...... 

Hannah is still busy with 3 dance classes (I just paid $250 bucks for 3 costumes) and Holly is busy putting my makeup on, on a daily basis.  She has it down better than I do.  Mascara and all.  NOT allowed to leave the house in it.  Joey is all consumed with Charlotte's Webb.  I know Mike and Sarah are coming and Joey is so excited about that.  

I have my Christmas letter written to the tune of "Gilligan's Island" this year.  I think it's pretty funny.  Johnny said he liked it except for the part where I mention his B.O.  

I am taking all the priests to see the Rockette's Christmas Show on Wednesday night.  It should be a blast.  I have 30 going plus 5 wheelchairs.  Lord help me.  It always ends up being super fun though.  Pictures to come.

Can't wait for Christmas.  Trying to find something for John.  He is horrible to buy for.  I have everything else bought. Yeah!

Shelly, if Ryan is coming home I won't send him something in the mail.  If he is staying in Arizona, I will send him a little something to open up.  Let me know!


1 comment:

shelly said...

Send me an email if you get info on the boys!